Airport runoff and perched water treatment EFFE® GX


Technology description:

EFFE® GX water treatment is intended to process low contaminated deicer and glycol runoff waters in airport surroundings, runways, apron taxiways etc. EFFE® GX increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, reduces foul odour and reduces emissions into water bodies. EFFE® GX gives reduction to solids and dissolved metals, and other compounds that affect the water quality. The water flow can vary from 0 m3/h to 15 m3/h. Performance parameters: A significant reductions of strong phenol-like odour in water and surroundings, reduction of solids, dissolved metals, TVOC and TOC.

Number of Statement of Verification: VN20130039
Technology name: Airport runoff and perched water treatment EFFE® GX
Company name: BK-Hydrometa Oy
Address: Yrittajantie 16 H 4 FI-63700 Ahtari
Country: Finland
Phone No.: +358102302850
Company website:
Company email:
Verification statement / Verification report: etv_statement_final_bk-hydrometa_effe_vn20190039.pdf