Self-assessment tool for ETV applicants


About the tool

The tool serves as an aid to prepare a successful ETV application in line with the ISO 14034 ETV requirements:

  • it will check if the applicant already has all necessary and relevant information to develop an ETV application file,
  • provide immediate feedback to applicant’s answers and indicate what information must still be collected and prepared,
  • explain why certain information is need and how it is used to verify a technology,
  • provide applicant with guidance and tips on how to obtain the missing data and information,
  • allow the applicant to assess whether the technology potentially meets the eligibility requirements for verification.
Why use the tool?
Using the tool before or during the development of an ETV application file:
  • helps the applicant understand the process and its requirements allowing to determine if ETV is an adequate scheme for the technology,
  • reduces the time and cost necessary to develop an application file appropriate to the technology in line with the technical and formal requirements of ETV,
  • speeds up the process of its evaluation by the verification body so that the technology, if eligible for ETV, can be verified faster.

For whom is the tool?

This tool is dedicated to potential ETV applicants who already got acquainted with the ETV process and have the technical knowledge about the technology to be potentially proposed for ETV.
If you are not acquainted how the ETV process works, watch this short video or read the Guide for applicants


How does the tool work?

The tool has a form of an on-line survey. It includes a set of 25 questions gathered in 7 thematic sections as presented in the boxes below. Using the tool requires registration or log-in if the user is already registered.
The tool checks if:

  • the applicant and the technology meet the formal and technical requirements of the ETV application,
  • the technology demonstrates sufficient technical and market readiness level to be proposed for ETV,
  • the applicant has sufficient, adequate and relevant information required at the application stage to:
    • properly describe the technology and its intended application,
    • explain its innovation in addressing user’s needs and challenges,
    • demonstrate its environmental added value/reduced environmental impacts,
    • present the test data relevant to the performance claim,
  • the performance claim to be verified is properly phrased and relevant for the market, technology users and other interested parties.

Based on the answers the tool generates feedback reports sent by e-mail. The reports include:

  • a short general explanation of the issue addressed in each question,
  • feedback tailored to each answer provided in the survey with a detailed explanation and indication if the ETV application requirements are met or not,
  • tips on next steps to be taken if these requirements are not met.

The scope of information necessary for the development of a technology verification application checked by the tool complies with the formal and technical requirements for the scope of information and data necessary for the development of an ETV application file specified in ISO 14034: Environmental Management: Environmental Technology Verification.

NOTE: Information provided by this tool is for indicative purposes only and serves to audit the completeness, adequacy and relevance of data necessary to satisfy the application requirements when presenting a technology for verification under ETV. The feedback reports generated by the tool should not be understood as confirmation of the technology’s eligibility for ETV or lack thereof, as the final assessment rests with the Verification Body.

By creating an account or logging-in to the Self-Assessment Tool you agree to this Privacy Notice.



Welcome to the Self-Assessment Tool. Select a section
Formal requirements check
There is a number of basic formal requirements that must be met when applying for ETV. They refer both to a candidate technology and an applicant.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you meet these requirements
  • identifies potential information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how the missing information could be acquired.
Technology maturity level check
ETV is dedicated to technologies ready to enter the market or already commercially available. Therefore, in order to be presented for ETV, the candidate technology must demonstrate sufficient technology readiness level.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if your solution is mature enough to be verified under ETV
  • identifies information gaps to demonstrate sufficient technology maturity level
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Technology information check
Proposing a technology for ETV requires classifying it as a product, process or service and in that aspect presenting some information related to its market and use context and innovation. This information is necessary to define the unique, distinguishing features of the technology.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you properly classified your technology
  • checks if have sufficient and relevant information to effectively present its market context
  • checks if the innovation of your technology is adequately defined for ETV
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Technology description check
In ETV , verification of technology performance in is always carried for its specific application. Therefore, the intended application must be clearly defined and described in terms of purpose and matrix for which it is intended for. With the indented application well defined, you are also able to correctly define the technology area under the candidate technology falls and to find out a Verification Body competent to verify it.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you are able to properly define and describe the intended application of your technology in terms of purpose and matrix
  • checks if you have properly assigned your technology into a technology area
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Potential of compliance to the definition of an environmental technology check
In order to be verified a candidate technology must comply with the definition of an environmental technology.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you have sufficient and relevant data about the candidate technology, including its environmental aspects and impacts in order to demonstrate its potential of compliance to the definition of an environmental technology
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Initial performance claim definition check
Performance claim is central to the verification process. It means a set of technical specifications quantitatively verifiable through testing representative of the technical and environmental performance of a technology in a specified application and under specified conditions of testing or use.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks whether you have formulated a verifiable and market relevant performance claim
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such claim should be formulated.
Test data availability check
Test data about the performance of the technology is the basis for performing verification of the claim.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you have sufficient and relevant information about the test data relevant to the performance claim
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on the information about the test data that needs to be collected and how.


Welcome to the Self-Assessment Tool. Select a section
Formal requirements check
There is a number of basic formal requirements that must be met when applying for ETV. They refer both to a candidate technology and an applicant.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you meet these requirements
  • identifies potential information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how the missing information could be acquired.
Technology maturity level check
ETV is dedicated to technologies ready to enter the market or already commercially available. Therefore, in order to be presented for ETV, the candidate technology must demonstrate sufficient technology readiness level.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if your solution is mature enough to be verified under ETV
  • identifies information gaps to demonstrate sufficient technology maturity level
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Technology information check
Proposing a technology for ETV requires classifying it as a product, process or service and in that aspect presenting some information related to its market and use context and innovation. This information is necessary to define the unique, distinguishing features of the technology.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you properly classified your technology
  • checks if have sufficient and relevant information to effectively present its market context
  • checks if the innovation of your technology is adequately defined for ETV
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Technology description check
In ETV , verification of technology performance in is always carried for its specific application. Therefore, the intended application must be clearly defined and described in terms of purpose and matrix for which it is intended for. With the indented application well defined, you are also able to correctly define the technology area under the candidate technology falls and to find out a Verification Body competent to verify it.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you are able to properly define and describe the intended application of your technology in terms of purpose and matrix
  • checks if you have properly assigned your technology into a technology area
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Potential of compliance to the definition of an environmental technology check
In order to be verified a candidate technology must comply with the definition of an environmental technology.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you have sufficient and relevant data about the candidate technology, including its environmental aspects and impacts in order to demonstrate its potential of compliance to the definition of an environmental technology
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such information could be acquired.
Initial performance claim definition check
Performance claim is central to the verification process. It means a set of technical specifications quantitatively verifiable through testing representative of the technical and environmental performance of a technology in a specified application and under specified conditions of testing or use.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks whether you have formulated a verifiable and market relevant performance claim
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on how such claim should be formulated.
Test data availability check
Test data about the performance of the technology is the basis for performing verification of the claim.
This set of questions and answers:
  • checks if you have sufficient and relevant information about the test data relevant to the performance claim
  • identifies information gaps
  • provides explanations concerning the required information
  • provides guidance on the information about the test data that needs to be collected and how.