Rootzone container for oil treatment


Technology description:

Nature-based active Rootzone biofilter with Phragmites australis/communis plant species for efficient treatment of oil-contaminated sludge/wastewater and recirculation of purified water. The mass removal of mineral oil from water averaged > 88% (95% Cl± 20%). Implementation of the Rootzone technology will, in addition to water purification, contribute to carbon capture and storage, release of oxygen and clean water to the atmosphere, increased biodiversity, lower the temperature in tropical and subtropical climate zones.

Number of Statement of Verification: VN 20170027
Technology name: Rootzone container for oil treatment
Company name: Transform af 1994 ApS
Address: Jægersborgvej 1, DK-9520 Skørping
Country: Denmark
Phone No.: +45 23846511
Company website:

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 Verification statement / Verification report:
