6th ETV FORUM: “New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation”

6 Jun 2024

We are honored and pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th ETV FORUM entitled “New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation” which will take place on June 18, 2024, at the ADN Conference Center in Warsaw.

The upcoming event is already the sixth edition in a series of initiatives dedicated to ETV, where we discuss the commercialisation of innovative environmental technologies, reducing the risk of investment in green technologies, and opportunities for collaboration in utilising the verification system to achieve green transformation goals and build Europe’s competitive position in the global market. The 6th ETV Forum is also the concluding event of the LIFEproETV project.

The main theme of the 6th Forum will be the role of new contexts and partnerships in promoting the green transformation and the pathways that can lead to broad market acceptance and recognition of innovative technologies. During the meeting, case studies and inspiring examples of practical use of ETV as a support tool for green taxonomy, ESG reporting, public procurement, circular economy, and achieving climate neutrality will be presented.

The event is aimed at producers and suppliers of innovative environmental technologies, organisations supporting entrepreneurs, ESG and taxonomy experts, industry representatives, scientists, public administration, institutions financing green innovations, and all those interested in sustainable development and green innovations.

Why is it worth participating?

  • Learn about the benefits of implementing the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) system based on the ISO 14034 standard: Discover how this standard can accelerate the green transformation through innovation.
  • Exchange experiences: Meet industry experts, representatives of scientific and business institutions, and other professionals interested in sustainable development.
  • Practical solutions: See how companies and organisations effectively implement environmental technologies to achieve sustainable development goals.

Participation in the conference is possible both in-person and online. Due to the limited number of places, please register in advance via the form available on the website https://lifeproetv.eu/6th-etv-forum/ by June 13, 2024. The meeting will be conducted in English.

We look forward to your presence and active participation in the conference!

The forum is organised by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute and the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, in connection with the implementation of the LIFEproETV project, i.e., “Promotion and implementation of ETV as a voluntary system for verifying the performance of environmental technologies,” funded by the European Union, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary.

Forum agenda [PDF]

More information about the project can be found at https://lifeproetv.eu/