About the ETV HUB
The ETV Hub bridges the performance demonstration needs of green innovation providers with performance evidence demands of buyers, users, investors, permitters, regulators, fund providers and other stakeholders to foster the market uptake of new environmental technologies.
In a world where sustainability is paramount, new environmental technologies are fast becoming a key business driver to success in the marketplace as key enablers of the green transition.
It’s difficult for providers to market new environmental technologies with just a green performance claim that is not substantiated by credible evidence. It’s also difficult for businesses to ramp up to green innovations that suit their needs without the right information on their performance and resulting environmental benefits. Other players of the environmental marketplace face the risks of making decisions if the green innovation they are putting their money into or permitting is a sustainable solution that performs as declared.
What is ETV ?
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) offers a process for a third-party verification of performance claims made by technology developers and providers based on performance test data generated under quality controlled conditions.
ETV is tailored to address the performance demonstration needs of new, commercially-ready environmental technologies in a credible and objective way.
Find out more about the importance of verifying the performace of new environmental technologies and discover ETV
The ETV process is defined by a technical standard ISO 14034 Environmental Management:
Environmental Technology Verification.
Find out more about the ISO 14034 standard and why it was establshed in this article
ETV is aimed to

provide credible, high-quality data on the performance of promising commercial-ready environmental technologies to buyers, users, permitting and regulatory bodies, financiers, investors, technology developers, providers, manufacturers and the public

accelerate the entrance of new environmental technologies with proven performance into the domestic, EU and international marketplace
Why ETV?
ETV involves a robust, globally recognised process
- ETV is technology neutral making the scheme applicable to a broad variety of innovative products, processes and services with industrial applications designed either to result in reduced environmental impacts or help monitor environmental parameters reflecting these impacts . Verifications are carried out
- ETV is transparent and globally recognised.
Discover more about the ETV process
ETV globally
Learn more about ETV quality and impartiality
ETV can be trusted
- To ensure confidence in verification results, ETV benefits from globally recognised standards that provide for strict quality management and impartiality of the organizations involved and assure quality of the verification process
- The ETV quality and impartiality framework emeded in the ETV process is similar to the certification and compliance testing schemes for mature technology performance
- Key outputs of ETV: the verification report and the statement of verification hold the status of inspection report and inspection certificate in the meaning of ISO/IEC 17020
ETV is fit for green innovations
- ETV confirms that an innovation is green. The ETV application procedure involves the assessment of the environmental added value. Major differences, whether positive or adverse, in environmental impacts of a green innovation vs solutions with the same function currently used are analysed and benchmarked from the life cycle perspective in order to confirm its environmental added value.
- ETV offers flexibility in the choice of performance parameters to be verified, unlike many certification or compliance schemes. It enables an innovative technology’s characteristics to be fully assessed, covering even these performance parameters that fall outside the existing product or technology standards and certifications or considering several performance parameters together to enable benchmarking with relevant alternatives.
Verification vs certification
ETV and other environmental schemes
Discover the market value of ETV
View the verified technologies
ETV is based on factual approach
- Statements of verification present information about the performance of a technology based on evidence. This evidence involves test data generated in a quality assured and controlled process that is relevant, adequate and sufficient to verify the performance parameters and their numerical values.
- ETV focuses on parameters quantifiable and measurable through testing that are related to the functional performance of a technology and its environmental added value
What's in ETV for you? Discover more
Technology Developers & Providers
Technology users & buyers
Financing, Permitting & Regulatory Bodies
Stay up to date with the latest news, events and ETV stories

6th ETV FORUM: “New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation”
We are honored and pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th ETV FORUM entitled "New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation" which will take place...

How can a company improve its sustainability by using ETV?
Cetaqua - Water Technology Centre will organise the event “¿Cómo mejorar tu competitividad en el sector del agua con ETV?” on 4 April 2024 at 10h with the aim of explaining how the Environmental Technology Verification Scheme (ETV) can help water companies to...

Join LIFEproETV Workshop at ChangeNow 2024
Join Us at ChangeNow 2024: Workshop on Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) by LIFEproETV , 26 March 2024, 13:00 Blue Bubble We are excited to invite you to our workshop organized by LIFEproETV at ChangeNow 2024, where we will delve into the significance of...
Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Verifiers Performing Environmental Technology Verification Compliant to ISO 14034 – A guidance document for National Accreditation Bodies.